Barbara StClaire-Ostwald

Cross-cultural Trainer & Consultant
Location: London, UK

Barbara StClaire-Ostwald has lived and worked in the UK, continental Europe and North Africa for 30+ years; working for multinationals in the private, public and not for profit sectors. For 12 of those years she worked in London in the area of investment banking and asset management.

She is an experienced facilitator, coach and trainer, providing cross cultural business consultancy services in partnership with a number of British, American and European organisations since 2003, focusing on best practices for businesses and their employees. She also provides programmes for partners, spouses and children of relocating employees in English, French and Polish. As a freelance consultant she has worked with a variety of FTSE 100 organisations and other multinationals from diverse professions including finance, insurance, legal, accounting, oil and gas, pharmaceutical, IT technology, Agri-food sector, transport (rail/road/air), manufacturing and the British Government.

As a trainer, Barbara designs and delivers a variety of programmes for global leaders and high performance multinational teams. As a coach, she is adept at coaching at senior levels in the private and public sectors (Board, Members of Parliament, Diplomats, Directors and Ministers).

Speaker at internationally acclaimed conferences; published and referenced in professional journals, Barbara specialises in Global Executive & Cross-cultural coaching; Inclusive Leadership Training; Designing training programmes, Working internationally; Expat/Repat programmes; Diversity & Inclusion training and Mentoring programmes.

Barbara is an Affiliate Member of Staff at Oxford Brookes University Business School and one of the founder members of the SIG researching “Culture: a resource for competitive advantage? Cultural awareness in UK’s fastest-growing businesses (a mixed study)”. In 2006 she delivered Cross Cultural Coaching programmes at Oxford Brookes University and in 2008, and 2010 she delivered joint workshops at the SIETAR Annual Congress in Granada and London. Her research in cross-cultural coaching has been referenced in publications such as the Association for Coaching “Diversity in Coaching” and Coaching at Work magazine as recently as 2012. In 2013 she was referenced in ‘Enterprise Ireland” – doing business with Poland. She has been a speaker at ICF Sigs on coaching in culture in 2006, and coaching Generation Y in 2010 respectively. Previously Barbara was a Board member of Women in Docklands and Chair of the EMCC- ECC (European Mentoring & Coaching Council European Conference Committee) in 2006 where she successfully delivered the Annual Conference in Cologne.

She holds a University Degree (2.1 Hons) in Psychology, a Diploma in Sociology and a Masters Degree in Coaching and Mentoring Practices from Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK. The focus of her research was to assess the cultural awareness of professionals working in corporates, business consultancies, coaching bodies and those practicing coaching and mentoring which evolved from the concept of “Carrying Cultural Baggage”. She is a member of SIETAR UK, SIETAR Europa, BPS (Coaching Practices: Barbara has adopted the Code of Ethics of The British Psychological Society), The British Sociological Association, BFWG (British Federation of Women Graduates) The Danish Coaching Institute and Oxford Brookes University.

Barbara is a British/Polish dual national and currently lives in London with her husband and daughter.
